Friday, February 22, 2013


The planet does not need more “ Successful People”.

The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restores, story tellers and lovers
 of all kinds.

この星は、あなたが 成功 することを 望んでいるわけじゃない

あなたが 本当に 幸せであることを 望んでいるのに

成功 と 幸せ の 本当の意味を 

もう一度 よく考えて


その声が あなたには 聞こえますか

その声が あなたには 聞こえますか

“ Ring on the street in Accra”

So appreciated to hear that there were people who wanted buy my new own song…  

 “ Ring on the street in Accra”. 

Believe in that why I opened my heart was reached to some people truly….

 Deep thanks to the oneness. 

I feel like this is not for me, it’s for someone else I don’t know but who really need ...

 I swear, I never stop.  

Thursday, February 21, 2013


WOMB WELLNESS EXERCISE: Lay down flat on your back with your feet against the wall at a 45 degree angle. Put your hands on your womb. Breathe deeply. Pray softly. Massage it. Send loving thoughts to your womb. Feel yourself taking in positivity and releasing all the toxic thoughts and energies you have taken in throughout your day. Do this in 15 -30 minutes. Enjoy it! -- Take time to do this daily. You make time for everyone else, make sure you do it for yourself as well. If you don't release all that you have absorb, over time it will make you depressed, angry, frustrated, etc. -- Remember, a healthy womb, equals a happier you. :-)


Need to focus my centre today. Balance. Feel my emotion is mixed up now.
When I was in Japan, I have never ever treated with invisible sense called “ Because of money”.
But here, very often, I felt those senses. Yeah already thousand of times, it’s not surprising. I used to feel it. “Smile” but “ Calculating their own benefit “. But Honestly, It made me feel deep loneliness so much. I cried. It was like dark long tunnel. Where is pure love, friendship, humanity and wisdom….?
But I know that we all are born to be light.
My motto is that although I was cheated or hurt, I never ever stop believing in and loving others.
Because for sure there are people who have TRUE heart towards me. And I will send my deep respect and love for them truly beyond any differences such as nationality, age, sex, religion, culture..etc.
At the same time, I Never accept any relationship with pretty smile with calculating their benefit.
But I just softly say “Thank you, but I don’t need it”.
To have my true respect for everyone is my strength. The way of my strength and purity itself is my Arts of Life.
Crystal clear drop in the dirty lake is weaving the word of love until the breath is stopped.
I will keep being proud of myself and walking on my path with my passion and truth because I know that one day I can meet the one who is really true to me.
Nothing can rob my truth, strength, passion, honesty, purity and love.
My Life is My Art.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

As an Artist ?

if it's related with money even 1 second,
It will be rotten.
So I really taking care of it without touching any money to keep this purity


たとえば アーティスト だというと それで生計をたてているように響くけど そんな狭い捉え方を私はしたくない

この世界のいのち、皆 アーティスト

その一人として 自分の発するものは常に 透明の色を保ちたいという 願いが 私には昔から強くあるようで

たった1ミリでも 自分のアートが お金を稼ぐための目的で創られることがなぜかいやなわけで

たとえば 職人さん、の世界では全く違う、きちんとその価値にあった支払いがされることがとても当たり前

でも私の発してるものは職人技ではないので 純粋に単なる自己表現






これが売れるか 売れないか 目線が自分に入ってくる

その瞬間に アートが腐る

それが 本当に耐えられない。質が完全に地に落ちたイメージ?

それならば アートだけに一生をつぎ込むのは逆に危険!


そこには 私の アーティストなりの こだわりが 実はものすごく強くあって


自分の生活を保っていないとけない つまり他の仕事をしている


やはりこのバランスが 私は一番いいのかも。

そして そのアートは 愛情も一緒






今 この瞬間を 永遠と思うなら 永遠はある

でもそこに留めておいて変化をさせないのなら それは死と一緒


変化をしながら どうやってその瞬間を毎秒ごとに真摯に紡いで

その透明さを保つのか 奇跡に近い

だから 尊いんだね