Thursday, May 15, 2014

What are you hiding inside the Moskito Net ?

What is the thing you don't want to Listen / Watch / Talk / Solve.....but your heart Knows that you need to Listen / Watch / Talk / Solve it .....? 

あなたが聞きたくない・見たくない・話したくない・解決したくない、しかし本当は 聞いて・見て・話して・解決することが必要だ、と心でわかっていることは何ですか?

Workshop on the 17th May 2014 @ Cultural Center Hiroshima Japan / Talk About Africa ~ Ghana Version ~

My workshop will be happened on this Saturday @ Cultural Center Hiroshima in Japan 10:00-11:30am “ Talk about AFRICA – Ghana Version – “ 
I will talk about both light and shadow which is the reality based on my experience in Ghana, this is Positive Work , I believe!
Without knowing the fact and reality now, how can we build the better bridge tomorrow?

今週土曜日10時~11時半 中国新聞文化センタークレドビル
1日講座 アフリカ大陸の「今」~ガーナ編~ 開催致します★

Monday, May 12, 2014

すべての人に正しいことなんて ない

There is nothing is totally right or wrong for ' Everyone '

All is depends on WHAT YOU WANT in your life 

全員に対して正しいこと なんて そもそもあるの?

そんなもの 本当はなくて

誰かを 裁くことも 

本当は 何の意味もなくて


ただ あなたの心が 本当にほしいもの 次第だと

Wisdom / Message from IFA

A visionary, upcoming film inspired by the wisdom of Ifa and the challenge of finding and fulfilling your life's purpose.

The Yoruba people of West Africa have a saying: If a king sends you on a mission, it must be fulfilled – no matter what difficulties or dangers you must face.

There are moments when life makes us ask, “Who am I? Why am I here?” Many choose not to wrestle with such questions. But some feel driven to seek and to fulfill their lives’ purpose. 

"Be careful! You can't allow everyone into your inner circle if you really want to grow. Ask yourself these questions. Do you feel inspired after dealing with him or her or do you mostly feel depressed? Do they expand your view of the world or do they destroy it? Do you feel enlightened after dealing with them or do you feel like you've been poisoned? Know when a friendship or a relationship is healthy for you and know when it's time for you to move on.

The question you've asked has already been answered by your Spirit. Instead of resisting the answer or doubting it over and over again, why not accept what your heart is saying is true? The longer it takes to accept the truth, the longer it will take for you to get back on the right path. Stop doubting yourself; embrace the truth. On to the next phase of your journey.

The gifts that were placed in your hands may flow through you but they do not belong to you! Your gift is a loan from God and from the ancestors who are waiting and watching to see what you will do with it. To waste this talent and to fail to do what you were sent here to do is to disrespect the ancestors. Honor and follow the passion you feel inside.

If you align yourself with folks who are moving forward, there's a high probability that you'll also move forward. If you align yourself with folks who are moving backward then GUESS WHAT? You'll be moving backward! Align yourself with folks who are moving FORWARD!

You've been to earth already and now you are back again! The Yorubas of West Africa say earth is the marketplace but heaven is our home. Since you're here you must make the most of it. Every talent you have, every gift must be put to good use. You're here on a sacred mission and you must never, ever forget this. Too many souls are counting on you. So many souls have invested in you!

How can you get unstuck and move your life forward? Iyanla Vanzant shares some tips in this clip:

"Being aware of the lesson is different from learning it. Knowing the path is different from following it."

Don't dwell on your mistakes! First admit them and then learn from them. Mistakes are spiritual teachers that have entered your life to teach you powerful lessons. There is no way to grow and to move forward without making some mistakes. Stop being so hard on yourself. Lift your head up; pick your Spirit up. Know that you can overcome any setback you are currently experiencing.

The question is NOT whether you should follow your dreams or whether you should not! There is no question! You MUST follow your dreams! Your emotional health, spiritual health, mental health, and even your financial health are connected to your dreams. Think about it. If you're not willing to support your own dreams. Then who will? 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Painful Truth or Pretty Lie...?

Painful TRUTH or HONESTY is far better than pretty FAKE or LIE.

うわべだけの嘘でいい顔されるより 痛い真実・正直の方がよほど良い


What I Need is just your Honesty and Truth

I don't need a lie.

Truth doesn't need to be always good 

I prefer the painful truth to pretty lie. 

私が 欲しいのは ただの真実と正直さ

嘘は いらない

真実って いつも正しいことの意味ではない

上手な嘘より 痛い真実の方が 私はいい

You know 

Truth never hurts me even if it is bad news

but fake and lie always cut me heart deeply

even if it is good news


真実は 決して私を傷つけない たとえそれが耳を塞ぎたいことでも

だけど 嘘は 
たとえそれが 私のうわべを一時的に心地よくしても

Benten-sama taught me that

' Truth and Rightness is different' 


’ 真実と 正しさは 異なる ’

You know everything will start from Truth and Honesty

even if that is bad , hard, doesn't matter

Because if the thing is based on truth and honesty,

surely the table will be turned...... 

Nothing is a problem in this world...


全ては 真実と 正直さから 始まるの

たとえされが まるで醜いものでもね そんなことどうでもいいの

だけど それが 真に 真実と 正直さの上に成り立っていることならば

必ず テーブルは 回り始めるの

何だって 本当は 問題なんてものはないのよ

so please........

I just want your Honesty 

Can you please show me your Honesty and Truth ...?

だから お願い

ただ ただ  私は あなたの正直さが欲しい

あなたの 真実を見せて