Monday, May 2, 2016

Museum of Apartheid in Johannesburg

I Visited the Apartheid Museum today.
Nelson Mandela taught us the real meaning of FREEDOM.
"To be free is not merely to cast off one's chain but to live in the way of respect and enhance the freedom of others . "
On the way back my home, I talked with taxi driver, 44 years old now, he experienced all these, he said still the quality of education is low, it doesn't reach to the needs of society, so that still unemployment and crime rate is high.
Yes it is true. And now we need to realize that the matter is not the race anymore.
It is the quality of humanity , beyond nationality .

When I was teenager, I watched the true story of Steven Biko, made me cry whole night, effected me with the love for Africa and I am here in South Africa now.
Ghandi from India was also in South Africa and effected from Apartheid and it lead him to take an historical action as well. 
Somehow I met the old yoga philosophy last year, since then I always read the old India sacred book every night .

Thinking of all those great spirits who create the great bridge for us before, 
And thinking of this moment with all relations around me now.

To be continued in the path of " TRUTH"...

welcome 29th April 2016. 38th birthday

BIG LOVE & THANKS for all relations around me and so far, I believe always 
We all are connected every moment ! 
So keep on moving and burning fire!

Today's Word 


"Only in the place there is forgiveness ,
There is love . "

- maki - 

Inspiration :

Without passing through forgiveness, impossible to reach the unconditional love..
So I will make a space in my soul .
To learn HOW TO FORGIVE , I think we need to shed the tears at first. 
Then we need to learn HOW TO CRY .
Tears are self - healing. 

Speaking is easy, Action is much harder.

Listen to the voice of your inner child .
It is coming .. for sure. 
Then see what is your fear, and what was the reason you stand here and now..

Silence Communication. 

The road I was given and chosen is massive hard and so long ...I feel, but 
Appreciated that at least I was given the inner strength to get through somehow so far, let's see what I could create for this world from now... 

With my deep love for all relations ..


許しがある場所には 愛がある。



流す とはそれだけ痛みを伴うこと。
