Sunday, April 1, 2012

Aloof and Interrgator

Unconscious psychological barrier crushed each other.

The Strategy of Aloof : The Person constantly creates a vague and mysterious aura. It is forcing us to pour energy into digging to get information normally shared in a casual manner. So we are giving the person the boost of energy that he/she desires.

Where does it come from? : Situation in the past. A set of unconscious assumptions about the world. Aloof couldn’t share freely as a child because it was threatening or dangerous to do so. The Aloof learned to be constantly vague in communication with others to win energy from others.

What Aloof believes is? : The Aloof believes that the world is full of people who can’t be trusted with intimate information. He/she thinks the information will be used against him at later or will be the basis of Criticism.

The strategy of Interrogator : To point out something about us that gives us pause, hoping that we will buy into the criticism and adopt the Interrogator’s view of the world. The aim is to become the dominant judge of other people’s lives so that others immediately defer to his worldview, providing a steady flow of energy.

Where does it come from?: Projected assumptions about the world. And Usually Interrogator comes from a family in which his parental figures were absent or not attentive to his needs.
In this insecure void of energy, the Interrogator gained attention and energy in the only way possible : by pointing out errors and criticizing the family or other’s behavior.

What Interrogator believes in? : The world is not safe or orderly unless he is watching everyone’s behavior and attitude, and making corrections. In this world, he is the only one paying the attention and making sure things are done carefully and with perfection.

(- The Celestine Vision- James Redfield )

Unconscious Psychological barriers encountered
Two of hearts thinks this is accident
Yet they don’t know it is beyond human power
The work of nature, under the control of oneness
Yet they don’t know this is a great chance to dive in a true oneness

To learn what is your control drama
Right thing is happening
Right person is appearing
In right time and right place
All over your life
It will repeats until you learn

If you are ready enough to accept the fact you have a lot of thing you can learn from others, you will get over your drama completely.

But if you keep repeating your drama, or you think there is nothing you can learn from others, you will miss the opportunity to learn from the person, and finally you will loose the person before you learn anything.

The very typical type of those are : They think always they are the victim and right one. Others are the trouble maker and fault.
Therefore they will NEVER know that they were the one who missed the miracle.

Once both side tried to be humble enough and learn from each other
It will never cause problem in differences
It will never let you feel “ we are not matched.”


Don’t let anything makes you cry
Don’t let anything makes you ugly

Aron is singing to us

“There is a time for everything

There is a time to be happy
There is a time to be sad
There is a time to be born
There is a time to die

There is a time for everything”

But you know
Don’t let anything makes you down
This is your responsibility
It is hard than you think
It is so painful to let it go
But please be careful
It must not be EGO but it is RESPECT YOUR LIFE
Value your life

Once your soul saw my inner beauty, we have inspired so much for long time.
We helped each other so long time.
But…..It was unbelievable view.
This is the other side of nature….
The matter is not the way we are busy, but the way how we communicate with others baed on respect.
Well, I have never ever seen this kind of horrible way of disrespect in my life.
But it doesn’t become to be the reason I could do same to the person.
I will never do so.
In the condition I think I have done my best for the person so far, and if still the person has been behaving in that way, this is the time to cut off the person from my life.
How hard it is. This is almost hell than anything. But tears never tell a lie to me.

Life is only one time for each of us. Next life, we don’t know if we could meet again or not. In our soul journey, this meeting was quite special level, it was truly miracle. Yes, I can still say thank you in tears.
But it is very very pity.
It was just before the moment of sunrise, we failed.

Dear oneness, I swear I will appreciate this miracle meeting forever and never forget what I have learnt.

Good bye dear one.
I will just pray for you to pass through your road of we always walked together before.

25 march 2012 Maki Kawamoto

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