I strongly believe in that the SELF -
HEALING POWER is within all natural livings.( Human as well, beyond any difference such as race, age,
gender, religion, culture, anything....)
So far my soul journey, there are so many
sorrow, and so many happiness, I learnt from both. And so many beautiful wisdom
supports me always…..Vision quest of Native American, Songline of Aborigini,
Initiation / traditional ceremony with African Spirit, True Yoga philosophy from
South India, Sundance and the real balance from Cree Tribe….
Without all of that, I wouldn’t be here
like now.
All of them are creating my soul with full
of love.
Some might think there are not connected,
but it is connected in my soul with the line of ‘ Respect to the Mother Nature ‘.
Learning the wisdom of Native Hawaiian was
actually long time ago.
But at that time there was no timing to go
to Hawaii island. But still something called me, [ you must go ].
My intuition knew that their belief and
faith for the nature is true, it’s the art of balance. that is exactly the part
of self-healing power that I would like to share in my life.
‘’ If you really want to understand world
peace, it can only start with inner peace from the heart of each one of us. To
me, hula is a journey which guides us toward the true path to reach world peace.’’
– Kumu Hula Sandii
‘’ Real place of hula dancer is the wind
and on the earth. Think bigger. Just be the Dance. Don’t think the Dance. ‘’ –
Kumu Hula Pattye Kealohalani Wright
In the society in Hawaii island, it was important
to share and transform instead of keeping. [ LET IT FLOW ]
Giving without any return makes us so much
Mixing instead of separating make us relax
cuz we are the livings who want to share.
So much pain and suffering happened on me
especially so far 2 – 3 years were more than I thought, it was the hardest one
in my life.
But at the same time, it lively up my soul
to the different stage clearly…to let my soul grow… everything happened because
it gives me important message, and let me carry the light within each of us to
the world.. so I can appreciate for tears and everything.
Very mysterious, it’s like ‘’ calling ‘’.
Human being has the spiritual ability to
achieve the vision by nature.
The desire we want to share is the law of
Nature like the roots of trees in the forest…
In this soul journey, I want to share,
learn, feel together as much as possible.
That is why I always want to study…
To polish the study of natural-healing
I will take a flight to Hawaii island on
It is deep appreciation that I can learn
from Kumu Lomi Dane Silver.
Wish I can feel deeply the true power of
「本当に世界平和という言葉が実現するなら、それは一人一人の心の中の平和からしか生まれません。わたしにとっては フラがそこにたどり着く真の道なのです」と クムフラ サンディ
何も考えずに 自分をもっと広げ 踊りになりきりなさい」 クムフラ パティ ケアハラニ ライト
全てわたしの魂に大事なメッセージを吹き込むため、そしてそれを糧にして魂の根源に宿る幸せな光を世界に向けて運ぶために起こったのだから 全ての涙にありがとう と
何度泣いても 感謝してわたしはその道を進むように 促されているのが わかる
しっかりと ハワイ島の本当のMANA、生命の源・大地のエネルギーを感じてこようと思います
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