Thursday, July 9, 2015


思い出すな というほうが難しいくらいに 激しい記憶
それでもこの1年 自分なりには 前に進み続けた 光だけを持って
それでも また この日は 思い出す 本当にこれでよかったのかと
久しぶりに 悲しみが
でも また 不思議なメッセージがこの日に きた

May the rest of your life be the best of your life. Find the light within and trust it! Find the light and follow it! Why stay in a relationship or in any situation that makes you miserable? Where you dread each day or each night? No. You deserve better. You're good at making commitments to everything and to everyone. The time has come to honor the commitment to you, and to do what's truly best for you.

涙がでる ありがとう

Listen! Failure is part of the spiritual journey. Get used to it and stop beating yourself up. The truth is that you're not supposed to succeed at everything. You are supposed to succeed at the "right" things. If you succeed at "everything" it means that you don't even know what's important. Or that you believe everything is equally important. There is no way on earth that everything can be equally important. Failure is sometimes a gift. A wake up call for you to find and focus on what is truly important for you and your family.

と また忠告を受ける 
Stand guard! Not everyone should be in your inner circle. He/she has to earn that right. Remember that! Not everyone is worthy of what you have to offer. Start to believe that what you have to offer is precious and sacred. Because it is. Your time and your heart and your knowledge are sacred too. Do not lower your standards. Keep those standards high!

忙しい日々も メールも 電話も 本当は緊急ではない
本当に緊急なのは あなた一人になり あなたに何が必要なのかを 真にあなたが感じる時間
それを何よりも 先に優先しなさい
Create alone time, sacred time for you every single day. Your life and your emotional well-being depends on it. Every text message is not an emergency. Every phone call is not an emergency. Every demand from others is not urgent. Don't let them drive you crazy. Some things can wait and some folks can wait. Start putting yourself first. You deserve it.

それを見透かされたかのように またメッセージが
まだその道にのってない と思うなら 乗るようになる 全ての準備を今すぐにはじめなさい!
Believe you can win! Your thoughts are either helping you or hurting you. That's what one my mentors was saying last night. Right now you are thinking one of these thoughts: 1. I'm winning. 2. I'm about to win. 3. I'm losing. 4. I quit. Quitting is not an option. If you're not winning in life right now tell yourself that you're about to win, and do everything in your power to make sure that it happens. Keep the faith and take consistent action toward your dreams. 

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