Saturday, July 18, 2015

新月の夜 Little Eagle x Alicia Bay Laurel

Yesterday we went to the Peace Memorial Museum to put our heart together before the music live. when i looked at the crane the girl made to pray for her life, during the government are proceeding the law to expand the war. it gives me so much emotion, but i just promised to myself how i live in this crazy world.
we spent the quality time, It was very beautiful New Moon singing the Peace Song together.
'' sometimes, It takes time to know what is my true work in this life...''
on 8th August in Hiroshima, please come and join us to pray together.




Here is the Message from Ms. Alicia Bay Laurel
This event will be more than a concert.
This is an opportunity for all of us green shamanic people to focus our intention on visualizing world peace - not only between nations, but between groups of people, between individual people, between people and nature, and within parts of ourselves.
We have chosen to do this on the week of the 70th memorial of the first atomic bomb that was used to murder a human community, and we have chosen to do it at Hiroshima Nagaregawa Church, which is close to the epicenter of that fatal, tragic firestorm.
We have chosen to do this on the week of the 70th memorial of the first atomic bomb that was used to murder a human community, and we have chosen to do it at Hiroshima Nagaregawa Church, which is close to the epicenter of that fatal, tragic firestorm.

The atomic bomb contains two messages: 

first, that all war is utter insanity, and, 
second, that uranium only brings trouble and pain to human beings. 

We have cleaner, saner ways of supplying our needs for electricity, we've had these renewable technologies for decades already, and they are only getting cheaper and more efficient over time.
We will sing this, dance this, see a film about this, talk about this, and create together an energy vortex to send this shared vision into the world.
Zehi zehi! Please join us. And please share this invitation widely.

私たちのような自然を崇める人々全てにとって、世界平和の実現を目指す意志を集中させるチャンスが今回の演奏会なのです。それは国家間の平和のみを意味するものではありません。 集団や派閥同士、個人と個人、人類と自然、ひとりの人間の内なる平和をも含めて。
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※2F ピースマーケットは12:00からオープン
場所:日本基督教団広島流川教会 礼拝堂
前売り 一般 4,500円/中学生 2,500円/小学生 1,000円
7歳未満無料 当日券は500円増
電話予約:0563-53-3393 Little Eagle ( 愛知)

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