Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hello, 29th April 2011

I thought one thing in the morning
I can swear that I will show my spirit by my action all over my life.
That has been my belief and faith for long time.
I love a word.
I believe in a power of word.
so I hate the person who say only beautiful thing and who don't act anything what he said.
A word is not just a fashion. It has a soul.
If the God is in you, your word could be the God.
Then, why not you're treating them very carefully..?
Thought = Word = Action
ある朝に 思った
わたしは 自分の想いや信念をちゃんと行動で示していこうって
だから 美しい言葉だけを並べて行動してない人が大嫌いだ
言葉はファッションじゃない 魂がある
もしあなたの中に神がいるならば 言霊は 存在する
ならば 言葉をちゃんと丁寧に扱おう
In the morning, I went to some sacred shrines and temples.
Suddenly the word was appeared in the front of me.
" What is the National Treasure? That is not a thing. That is a HEART like you're looking for the truth. That is a man like who help and live for others and societies. That person is called National Teasure. "
Oh my's true true true....I thanked my God to lead me here on my birthday.
This is really beautiful...
その朝 わたしは お寺や神社にむかった
「国宝とは何物ぞ 宝とは道心なり 道心ある人を 名付けて国宝と為す 故に古人のいわく 径寸十牧 是れ国宝にあらず 一隅を照らす 此れすなわち 国宝なりと」
(国宝とは物ではなく 真実を求める「心」を持ち 人や社会の為に尽くす人です それは一隅を照らす人・・)
わたしは神に心から感謝した ありがとう。ありがとう。
Then I went to the National Parliamentary building in Japan to attend the beautiful event in the evening.
We dedicate our prayers to the soul passed away 49 days ago.
We showed our faith and voice to the Goverment in Japan by walking around there with warm lights of candle.
The frame was very soft, warm, beautiful and natural.
It is absolutely clear that Japan nees to throw away the Nuclear power plant and nuclear energy.
We don't have a time to waste to excuse what we did,
say " sorry" and go for what we needs to go! Simple.
What should you do? Simple.
Shake your hand with others sincerely.
Protect water and forests.
Money game is old fashion.
Still are you in there?
キャンドルの炎は 温かく美しく自然で とてもきれいだった
言い訳をする時間はないから 急ごう もうとっくに許してるの
じゃあ どうしたらいいって?

1 comment:

  1. Happy Happy Birthday Maki
    what a wonderful gifts u received...
    and what beautiful words u deal wiz...
    just impressed and lost a word to speak
    especially lov dat Thought=Word=Action
    cuz its exactly wat my old friend from hiroshima! talked 2me recently
    u always shine on my thought
    so words echo each other
    then our action create somethin! lets make noise*
    my dearest, wish ur days in ghana wil b more fantastic dan ever had!
