Monday, May 2, 2016

Museum of Apartheid in Johannesburg

I Visited the Apartheid Museum today.
Nelson Mandela taught us the real meaning of FREEDOM.
"To be free is not merely to cast off one's chain but to live in the way of respect and enhance the freedom of others . "
On the way back my home, I talked with taxi driver, 44 years old now, he experienced all these, he said still the quality of education is low, it doesn't reach to the needs of society, so that still unemployment and crime rate is high.
Yes it is true. And now we need to realize that the matter is not the race anymore.
It is the quality of humanity , beyond nationality .

When I was teenager, I watched the true story of Steven Biko, made me cry whole night, effected me with the love for Africa and I am here in South Africa now.
Ghandi from India was also in South Africa and effected from Apartheid and it lead him to take an historical action as well. 
Somehow I met the old yoga philosophy last year, since then I always read the old India sacred book every night .

Thinking of all those great spirits who create the great bridge for us before, 
And thinking of this moment with all relations around me now.

To be continued in the path of " TRUTH"...

welcome 29th April 2016. 38th birthday

BIG LOVE & THANKS for all relations around me and so far, I believe always 
We all are connected every moment ! 
So keep on moving and burning fire!

Today's Word 


"Only in the place there is forgiveness ,
There is love . "

- maki - 

Inspiration :

Without passing through forgiveness, impossible to reach the unconditional love..
So I will make a space in my soul .
To learn HOW TO FORGIVE , I think we need to shed the tears at first. 
Then we need to learn HOW TO CRY .
Tears are self - healing. 

Speaking is easy, Action is much harder.

Listen to the voice of your inner child .
It is coming .. for sure. 
Then see what is your fear, and what was the reason you stand here and now..

Silence Communication. 

The road I was given and chosen is massive hard and so long ...I feel, but 
Appreciated that at least I was given the inner strength to get through somehow so far, let's see what I could create for this world from now... 

With my deep love for all relations ..


許しがある場所には 愛がある。



流す とはそれだけ痛みを伴うこと。


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Process or Result

Beauty of Life is in the Process instead of Result.
- Maki -

Inspiration : 
Very often we only seek the result and ignore the process.
some judge others by only result.
What are we so much hurry for ?

Result is just result.
But the wonder of nature and your beauty is in the process....

いのちのうくつしさは 結果ではなく その過程にある
わたしたちは そんなに急いで どこにいきたいのだろうか?
結果は ただの結果
自然の神秘や わたしたちの美しさは
それが起こっている その途中にあるのに

Inspiration from BIODANZA

Got many inspiration today at BIODANZA.
'' Walking as if i really know i am here and now.''

'' Protection of Life ''
when i created the form by my body, i felt i protect one fish by my clear veil. but the fish can go anywhere as he likes. he is totally free. i am just using my clear veil to protect him wherever he goes. my work is to protect him safely and let him free always.....and i was so touched with this deep feeling and happiness. it might be called ''Love''.

'' Celebration of Life ''
it just reminded me [ why am i dancing ? ] 
To celebrate my life. 
I have my body, this is amazing thing..! seriously.
My body is my alter of my soul.
and i am doing what i can do because i have my body.
without body, i can not dance like this.
This is such a beautiful fact and reality.
Thank my body, thank my spirit, thank my unity.

いまここにわたしはいる ということを示すように歩いてみよう。

命をまもる ポーズをとるというのは一つの表現
己自身の創造するポーズをとることで やってきた感覚
小さい魚が泳いでいる 私は見えない薄いベールでその魚を守ってる
その魚がいつでも行きたい場所にいけるように わたしはその魚に何もいわないけれど、一時も無視をせず わたしはただただ その魚を守るために、その魚が自由に生きていけるために、静かに薄い膜で守っている
この海の中で共に その魚とこうして泳いでいるのが 何故か気持ち良くて平和で安らかで 感動した。 これって 愛とよぶのかな。

急に思い出した 何故踊るのかということを忘れないようにと・・
その瞬間 体があるってすごいことだ と感じ

Monday, February 22, 2016

'' In My End is My Beginning '' 21st Feb 2016 @ Market Theater , Johannesburg -

Celebration of 40 years of Story Telling !
The Market Theater, Windybrow Theater, Department of Arts and Culture Incubator Programme presents!


In My End, Is My Beginning is a story about homeless people that explores their interaction with other ordinary people. 
It highlights the obstacles that they encounter in their life in the streets, and shines a light on their plight as they aspire to rise above their circumstances. Through movement and music we are taken into a world we very seldom put ourselves in.

The play deals with dignity and giving humanity to homeless people. It puts a human face on their problems, and creates a sense of acknowledgement from the world that they exist, even if that unsettles the privileged.

始まって5分で涙が溢れはじめ 止まらなかった だけど
ホームレスの人々がホームレスであることに涙したわけではなく もっと奥深いところ・・
なぜこんなに涙がでたのか じっくりあとで整理してみたかったけど 

人間というのは どんな過酷な状況にあっても どこかで光を探してしまう生き物
頭がおかしくなっても 光をどこかで覚えている
無意識に呼ぶ名前が 50年、60年前に生き別れた人の名前だったりする
その記憶とは あなたにとって何だったのだろうか
そしてそのことを知る人は 今は誰もいない

乾いてみえるその瞳の奥には どうしようもないくらいの溢れ出る鮮明な記憶と感情があって
その中に彼らは まだ 生きている
それは ただの弱さだと いえるのだろうか わからなくなる
そして何が わたしと彼らの違いというのか
社会の泥の中でもがいて埋もれて それでも なお 息をしている限り わたしたちは・・・

After it started even just 5min later, i was already crying.
Their story-telling, concept, performance, sound and lights, all combination touched my heart deeply... 
It was truly powerful, real, inspiring.

The reason i cried was not because of they were homeless people in the story.
i am still searching the best words to express my deep inside now...

Human.... we are the ''livings'' can't stop searching the light no matter what..
Even if you were in the mental disorder, you would still remember the light clearly on sweet days...
Even though you haven't told the name since 60 years long,
but under the unconsciousness, before you go, you might talk the name, 
who was your beloved, passed away 60 years ago... 
what did the memory mean for you ..... ?
Yet no one knows you had your life....

Dried eyes, but behind it, there are thousand of emotions and memories.
who could know it ? No one knows.
They are living in there. still.
Will you say that is weakness ? I don't know , sometimes...

what is the differences between us ? 
We all are struggling in the mud, surviving in the mad, and as long as we breath,
still we are searching.....  

それに重なって 魂を揺さぶるような歌声、腹の底からみなぎる言葉。

Concept and Story already hit my point, 
but i just awed that the way of their total quality expression....!
The choreograph and composition was really beautiful, 
Dancers performed perfectly with colorful face expressions,
with the soul voices from amazing two singers, and spoken words from their spirit. 
Behind it, the sound and light skill add the emotions to their movements beautifully.
Dancers came to the audience as the strong life of homeless people.
Meantime the sound of guitar is creating the heart- pain.
The smile and sadness is shining in the darkness with soap bubble.
Just in 1 hour performance, the top quality was inside the box !
It was really AMAZING....
My tear couldn't stop after the show as well, my soul sounded again and again.
'' This is the place, where you stay, where you go....'' 


Directed by award-winning Sunnyboy Motau, mentored by Mark Hawkins, with the lighting and set design by the acclaimed Wilhelm Disbergen.

Moving Into Dance is a trailblazing, nationally acclaimed dance company and an accredited training organisation. It has produced a multitude of award-winning dancers, choreographers, arts administrators and teachers throughout South Africa and internationally. Since its inception it has had a major impact on socio-cultural transformation as well as the economic empowerment of South African youth.

The production was made possible by the Department of Arts and Culture Incubation Programme, which supports a series of incubation programmes designed to boost the level of fresh young talent in the theatre industry and see more local content brought to the stage.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Determination of Today ― 真の敵は己の中にありー

Determination of Today

This sacred sword is not for taking life from other livings.

It is for eliminating the evil in my inside.

The power I was given is to protect other livings with real pride

The place I use my sword is only inside my heart..

Warrior of Love.


― ラーマ―ヤナ物語 -

わたしが授かっているチカラは まわりの命の為にあり。


そうすれば 怒りで人を傷つけることの無意味さに気づくだろう
張り裂けるほど泣き 叫べばいい
あの人の狂気は あの人の本質ではない
わたしの剣は 私の心の中にある
わたしの戦うべき相手は いつも私の中にいる
そしてわたしの救うべき友は いつもそばにいる
絶望の淵に立ったとき いつも思い出しなさい
起こったことや人は あなたの本当の敵ではない
本当の敵である 自分の中の感情 憎しみ と戦いなさい
私は 勝ったと
あなたのために 自分の弱さに勝ったと

わたしの剣を使う場所は 私の心の中だけなのである

Sunday, January 10, 2016

モンサントの株主 医療業界との企み



それを知っていて 医療業界に精通した人物たちが モンサントの株主になっているのでは?




遺伝子組み換えで何かと問題となるモンサント社に対しNatural Society Websiteで株主の実態を追求した興味深い記事が取り上げられました。

モンサント社のCEO(最高責任者)Hugh Grant氏や、個人大株主の一人であるビル・ゲイツ氏が何かと矢面に立つ人となっていますが、同サイトの記事で実は本当に会社を支配しているのが誰なのかを追求しました。





↑また、個人の筆頭株主であるウィリアム U. パーフェット氏はMPIリサーチ社のCEOです。この会社は薬剤開発研究に関わる会社です。また、彼はストライカーコーポレーションという大手医療サービスの幹部もしています。





