Saturday, June 21, 2014

Message from IFA



Ask the spirit world and the ancestors how they wish to use you and flow through you. Then, for God's sake, ALLOW them to their job and stay out of the way! Stop thinking you need to know all the answers because you don't. Stop thinking you need to be in control because you don't. You can do amazing things on earth once you simply relax and allow the divine to flow through you.

Everything has a dark side; everything has a light side! The Ifa spiritual tradition teaches this basic truth. Ifa says no situation can ever be 100% negative, nor 100% positive. So the choice is yours! How do you want to look at your life? Or your problems? Will you focus on the light or will you focus on the darkness? Will you choose to see only negative or will you choose to see positive? You can dwell in darkness or you can ascend up into the light.

You are being guided by the Spirit of the ancestors already! You may not believe it, BUT it's true. So stay on YOUR path. Stop wandering to the left and wandering to the right confusing yourself and stressing yourself over what others are doing or saying. The only path you need to focus on is your own. The one that resonates with your heart; and moves your soul. The one that reminds you that there truly is a Higher Power, and that you're already connected to it!

Decide in advance that you will have a good day! That you will allow no one/nothing to steal your joy! Decide that you will focus NOT on what you don't have, but on what you DO have! Decide you will pay homage to the sea, to the mountains, to the sky, to the ancestors, to the orisas, to spirit guides, to all beings in the universe whether seen or unseen. Decide you will see beauty in yourself, wisdom in your struggles, hope in your heart. Decide that you will be free, and will never be imprisoned by anyone or for any reason ever again!

You are a spiritual apprentice! That's the truth. What you're going through is not an accident! You're being prepared for the role you're meant to play in the universe. Think of what you're going through as "spiritual on the job training." There is a reason for who you are, there is a reason for where you are, and there is a reason for what you are being called to do.

Reach out for help if you need to. No force in nature stands alone or works alone. The sacred verses of Ifa says: "it is in schools that we find fish in the ocean. Bees form swarms. Birds form flocks. Brooms are formed from twigs, and we find wild pigs and monkeys in groups. Orunmila says there should be a gathering together like trees do to form a forest. Ifa says we should gather together and not walk alone."

You must believe in the power of your story! You must believe in the power of your vision. You must believe that you can make a difference! You must believe in the power of Spirit.

The orisa, Oya, is the energy of sudden, dramatic change. She's the fury of the hurricane, the whirlwinds of the tornado or the cyclone. Oya reminds us that change is inevitable and sooner or later those winds of change will come sweeping into your home, your relationship, your workplace, or your Spirit. There's no need to be afraid. It's a blessing in disguise. Some things must end, so that you can have a new beginning. Be ready to embrace the changes that are coming into your life.

The vision that was placed in your hands and heart is sacred. You must defend it all times, because YOU are the chosen one to bring it into this world. Stop doubting yourself. Stop waiting for approval! The support you need will come from unexpected sources. Until that day comes, keep the faith! Keep the fire in your heart and soul alive.

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