Thursday, June 25, 2015

急ぐ人たち - Those who is in Hurry -

日本のニュース 海外のニュース
みていて涙がでて  ふと ある共通性に気づく

必ず  急いでいる 
決断を急ぎ  質問には答える暇がないという
必ず 最後は お金と支配で ねじふせる やり方

質問された場合に 答えるものをもっているので
質問されても ゆっくりと 答える余裕をもっている
何故 それをやるべきなのか を。

つまり 戦争をする国 や 争う人 というのは
お互いにテーブルにつくことができない 人達の行動からきている

もちろん たとえあなたがテーブルについても
相手が 座れない場合もあるでしょう
そのときは 悲しいことも起こるかもしれない

それでも 何があっても 自分は
テーブルについて説明ができる自分自身を いつも保つように
努力したいと 切に思う

after i read many news in Japan and other countries 
i found some pattern of those people who doesn't have love for their action.

They are really in HURRY.
They say they don't have time to talk
they don't have love for the action and they have something to hide,
therefore they need to be in hurry
at the last they use the power and money 
because they are afraid of revealing their fake spirit 

but those who have the love for the action,
they have a enough time to talk on the table, 
they can sit down and explain why they need do the action.
there is nothing to hide.

so, if there is the war , 
that is from those who can't sit down for talk 
no matter between country and country 
between family and family
the pattern f those people is same

even if you try to sit down,
some might not be sit down.
yeah...still the sadness may be happened

but at least myself,
no matter how much sadness i had to get through

i will be the one 
who can sit down for talk 
with Love.



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