Sunday, October 5, 2014

サインを見逃さないこと!Message from Ifa

Pay closer attention! The signs, the answers, the guidance you've been seeking from Spirit are all around you. You might not have noticed them today; you might not have noticed them yesterday, but I can assure you with 100% certainty that the signs are there. Just pay closer attention. Open your eyes and really see; open your ears and really hear; open your heart and really feel - and you'll definitely be on your way to spiritual growth and more fulfillment.

Your life path is your medicine. Just remember that. The more you honor your path and walk your path the stronger your medicine will become. The world is in need of your medicine because we are all in need of more healing. Do not turn your back on your medicine. Do all that you can to bring this medicine forward.

Your soul needs a good challenge, a good fight, or a worthy opponent. This is how you grow. Remember this as you reflect on your challenges. Instead of focusing on your frustrations, try to focus on the spiritual lessons that you're learning from your challenges. The lesson might be courage, or self-love, or forgiveness. Sometimes the lesson is drastic - that it's time to cut some folks loose and move on with your life.

Stand up for yourself! Only you can determine what is right for you or who is right for you or when the time is right for you. You're way more powerful than you realize and you can have way more influence in our world than you realize. Tell yourself that your days of putting yourself down or selling yourself short are over. Command more respect. It all begins by giving yourself more respect.

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